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The Ultimate Weekend in Downtown BTR

The Ultimate Weekend in Downtown BTR

Downtown is a playground for the locals who love to eat, drink, and be merry!

Allie Diefendorf, Chief of Programs at the Baton Rouge Youth Coalition, & Jake Polansky, Director of Strategy and Research at the Baton Rouge Area Chamber, Downtown Live-ers, Work-ers, Play-ers
The Ultimate Weekend in Downtown BTR

From Friday to Sunday - and every day in between - downtown Baton Rouge is a playground for the locals who love to eat, drink, and be merry! And the best part? No cars needed! From morning coffee to late-night cocktails, downtown Baton Rouge has a bite, a trail, a book, an adventure for you.

Friday Afternoon/Evening – Happy Hour and a Show

Before we start our Friday evening fun, we love to grab a happy hour cocktail at one of the many bars downtown. Don’t sleep on Passe - their happy hour menu features lots of delicious $5 drinks. Mother’s and The River Room are our go-tos for unique cocktails.

After drinks, head over to Live After 5 for a free outdoor concert! Elevate your experience by stopping by Town Square Pizza to pick up a delicious, downtown Baton Rouge-themed pizza and drink from one of the local vendors.

Jake and Allie enjoy Live After 5 with friends

When Live After 5 is not in-season, walk across the street to The Hartley-Vey Theatre (part of The Manship Theatre) for a hilarious evening with Family Dinner - our favorite improv troupe! (For all our comedy skeptics out there, we’ve never been interested in comedy shows, but cannot get enough of Family Dinner - they are HILARIOUS and you can’t beat the ticket prices).

Saturday Morning – Markets and Coffee Chats

Start your Saturday off right with a visit to the Farmer’s Market! Our favorite part of the market is that the food changes with every season. We love to let the veggies guide our meal planning for the week (life hack: get a random veggie and then type in random veggie recipe on Pinterest and try something new!)  

Jake and Allie at the Farmer's Market

After the Farmer’s Market, mosey on over to The Vintage for coffee. We love to make breakfast at home, usually with peppers from the market, but The Vintage has delicious breakfast as well - we recommend The Vintage Breakfast. Bonus, it's dog-friendly! The baristas look for our dog Chicken every Saturday and she looks for her treat!

Jake and Allie's dog Chicken at The Vintage

We very recently discovered a new coffee spot - House Brew at 227 Florida Ave! They have DELICIOUS coffee, a cute atmosphere, roast their beans in-house, and most importantly - pup cups! (We’ve started skipping coffee at home during the week and make the three-block walk to House Brew instead.)  

Saturday Afternoon – Levee Bike Rides

Grab your bike and head to the levee!

During football season, we love to use the levee to get to campus for tailgates and bypass all that gameday traffic! (Another life hack - seriously cannot recommend this one enough! Even if you don’t live downtown, park there, hop on a bike and head to your destination).  

Allie and Jake biking to LSU Campus for tailgating

When it is not football season, the levee is still great! You can ride to L’Auberge Casino and wave to the cows or if you’re feeling super adventurous, bike to Istrouma Brewery.  

Sunday Morning – Walk, Run or Zoom

You can start your Sundays at your own pace. Allie loves to take Chicken for a walk from Beauregard Town to Spanish Town with a stop at the Capitol so she can get her zoomies out. While Jake prefers to go for a run on the levee to LSU’s campus or take the Greenway to Mid City.

Sunday Afternoon – Relax and Reset

By Sunday afternoon, it is time to relax and reset! We recommend enjoying First Free Sunday at The Capitol Park Museum or Louisiana Art and Science Museum, all right downtown. And our personal favorite way to wrap up the weekend is heading to the River Branch Library, picking out a new book for the week, and going up to the fourth floor to enjoy the gorgeous views of our city.

Downtown Story Time

We love being downtown so much - it is why we both choose to live and work here. There is something so special about being able to take a walk in a city or attend a Mardi Gras parade on your own street. In fact, we love it so much that Jake recently proposed to me (Allie) on one of our walks around downtown!

Jake proposing to Allie in Downtown Baton Rouge on the Capitol Grounds

Things to do,  places to be.

Explore weekend iteneraries from real Baton Rouge residents.

The Ultimate Weekend in Downtown BTR
The Ultimate Weekend in Downtown BTR
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An Extended Weekend Exploring a BTR Art Scene
An Extended Weekend Exploring a BTR Art Scene
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A Runner's Weekend Race Guide in BTR
A Runner's Weekend Race Guide in BTR
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BTR Things Are Coming in 2025.

Better in BTR is a multi-media marketing campaign and website designed to celebrate and retain the incredible talent already thriving in Louisiana’s Capital Region. By showcasing why this is the best place to grow both professionally and personally, we’re fostering pride in our community and solidifying Baton Rouge as a place to stay and succeed.

Get involved and help us keep Baton Rouge moving forward.

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